Connecting Globally
The Kingdom Seekers fbk: Connecting to Individuals Globally
Welcome to our website, we hope you can find something here that helps you through your day. We are a group of disciples in Kissimmee Florida that are looking to make an impact on the world. We know you are all facing many trials and tribulations, we face them too. We want to create a community where we are all working together to serve each other and Jesus Christ. You don’t have to be a believer to participate just be open minded enough to hear our testimonies.
Ready to Start?
Discover a community of faith, support, and personal growth.

When we look at the beautiful world around us it is hard to understand how did it all get here and what is my purpose. We are going to be sharing topics weekly with answers to those very questions. Your emails to us will drive the content as we explore together the things that are bringing you down and blocking you from your true potential. Your information will remain private with our disciples we will only bring out the topics for discussion.
We have been move by The Great Commission to “Therefore go out and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20
Close your eyes with me if you will and imagine a world where everyone looks out for each other. No one is trying to get ahead of anyone else, they all just live together in harmony. When one of the members is in need of something they can not acquire the other members of the group get it for them.
Hard to imagine I know, especially in todays world where being #1 seems to be the only thing that matters. There are so many things happening today that it is impossible to just pick one of them out. The Kingdom is God’s Kingdom and it is the final destination for all those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.
We want to provide a platform to bring people together to talk about all the issues that are bothering us all today. Not an opinion poll like facebook but a place where we can all come to truly lay down our burdens and have others help us to carry the load. Let’s talk about the real issues and what can be done to work towards a solution.
God’s cares for all of his creation and he wants to welcome us all home when our time on Earth is done, however it isn’t that easy. We have “to be willing to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily” Luke 9:23. This is not an easy task. We look forward to talking with you about these important topics of today.
What is the Kingdom all about?
2 min read
Discover Your Kingdom Purpose
Connect with a global community of believers passionate about discipleship, personal growth, and spiritual transformation.
Join The Kingdom Seekers
Discover the incredible plans Christ has for you
✓ Connect with a supportive community
✓ Experience personal growth and transformation